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20th Annual

Journey of Dreams Benefit

Join us for our Parent to Parent of Miami Annual Journey of Dreams Benefit

Parent to Parent of Miami’s nonprofit parent center is dedicated to empowering families of children with disabilities. For more than 36 years, Parent to Parent of Miami has been a beacon of hope for countless families, offering them the resources, guidance, and peer support they need to thrive. Our gala celebrates the amazing work of community leaders while also raising critical funds to expand our programs.

This year, we are thrilled to celebrate the 20th anniversary of our annual gala, Journey of Dreams, and we invite you to join us in making this milestone event more impactful than ever.

As we plan for this year’s Journey of Dreams for Saturday, November 16th, 2024, we are looking for compassionate and forward-thinking companies for corporate sponsorships. Your support would be instrumental in ensuring that we continue to provide vital services to families navigating the challenges of raising children with disabilities.

**Sponsorship Benefits include:**

– **Visibility:** Your logo will be prominently displayed in all event materials, including invitations, event banners, and our website, highlighting your commitment to community support.

– **Engagement:** Enjoy the opportunity to engage with our community at the gala, including a VIP table for your team including cocktail reception, dinner, open bar and dancing.

– **Impact:** Directly contribute to enhancing the lives of families and children with disabilities, with opportunities to be involved in our programs beyond the gala plus information disseminated to 9,000+ families and community professionals.

Be our guest and share with us a fun-filled evening with great dining, open bar and non-stop dancing! 

Take a look at our 2024 Journey of Dreams benefit! A great night for all.

20th Annual Journey of Dreams Benefit

Saturday, November 16th, 2024
at the JW Marriott Miami (1109 Brickell Avenue, Miami, FL)

Cocktail hour beginning 7:00PM 

Dinner and Dancing 8:00PM – Midnight

Tickets and Sponsorship opportunities available now so join the fun!

When you buy a ticket to our annual Journey of Dreams Benefit, YOU provide much needed hope, help and support to families of children and adults with disabilities.  Open your hearts so we can all DREAM BIG for children with disabilities!

Dream Big for Children & Adults with Disabilities

Parent to Parent of Miami’s Journey of Dreams Benefit honors individuals in our community who are dedicated to improving and promoting initiatives that benefit children and adults with disabilities and their families.

The Journey of Dreams Benefit also helps us raise funds to provide much needed help, hope and support for children with disabilities and their families.We are committed to providing the information, training, support and advocacy that families need to deal with the challenges of raising a child with special needs. With your support, our organization can continue fulfilling its mission by offering these crucial services at no-cost to families in need.

An Ongoing Journey

Launched in 2004, our annual Journey of Dreams benefit is Parent to Parent of Miami’s signature fundraising event to celebrate, recognize and honor community members whose vision, leadership and perseverance have significantly contributed to improving the lives of children and adults with disabilities and their families. Journey of Dreams was created from the inspiring stories shared by the families we served e very year. Today, with a dedicated team of employees, board members and volunteers, we continue to celebrate the heroes that make a difference in the life of children and adults with special needs.

As parents of children with disabilities, we all have the dream that they will be successful, happy and accepted by others in the community. The journey is ongoing, different for every family but when the dream is fulfilled the possibilities are endless!

Be a Part of this Event

Sponsorship Opportunities

Parent to Parent of Miami counts with sponsorships from community programs, businesses and foundations to continue its critical work on behalf of children with disabilities. It is only with this additional funding source that we can offset the costs associated with program delivery so we can continue to help families FREE OF CHARGE. Your sponsorship to our Journey of Dreams Benefit helps families in need of support and guidance. Say “yes” to children with disabilities!

Various sponsorship levels are available and your corporate branding and information will be recognized on all event materials. 

Parent to Parent of Miami has a membership of over 9,000 families and collectively there are over 38,000 children that may benefit from services.

Take a few minutes to watch Parent to Parent of Miami’s impact!

Visit our online Journey of Dreams event page.


Or download a Sponsorship package to mail in.

Underwriting Opportunities

Each year, generous businesses, organizations and individuals underwrite elements of Journey of Dreams, allowing Parent to Parent of Miami to dedicate event revenue to community programs in support of children with disabilities and their families. Consider becoming an Underwriting Sponsor today!

To learn more on how to become an underwriter for Parent to Parent of Miami’s annual Journey of Dreams Benefit, please call 305-271-9797 or download the form HERE.

Advertising Opportunities

Advertising is an option available to a person, organization or company that is interested in showcasing their services or simply interested in supporting our annual Journey of Dreams fundraising efforts. Check out our 2022 Journey of Dreams program.

Parent to Parent of Miami has a membership of over 9,000 families and collectively they have over 30,000 children that may benefit from the services you provide.

To become an advertiser for our annual Journey of Dreams Benefit Program please call 305-271-9797 or download the advertisement form here

For online purchase visit Journey of Dreams Online Donation Page.

Silent Auction

Past events have helped raise much needed funds which allows us to fulfill the mission of our organization. We ask that you help us by donating an item to be auctioned at our gala benefit.  For over 35 years, Parent to Parent of Miami has been providing much needed assistance to families of children and youth with disabilities in Miami-Dade! Our organization continues to grow with more parents reaching out to us for help, hope and support as we all strive to improve the lives of kids with disabilities. YOU can help kids with disabilities succeed!

In recognition of your support at this event, Parent to Parent of Miami will provide:

  • Company name listed in the program book, 150+ printed and distributed at the event
  • Signage and company logo displayed at auction area with item description
  • Letter of receipt for tax purposes

Thank you in advance for considering our request.  Your generosity will help enrich the lives of thousands of children with disabilities and will serve as a testament of your commitment to providing our community with a brighter tomorrow.

To download the Auction Form, please click HERE.

To buy tickets to attend the event click  HERE.

Excellence in Family Advocacy Award

Excellence in Family Advocacy Award is bestowed upon an individual dedicated to promoting policies and practices that strengthen family unity.

Impact Award

IMPACT Award is bestowed to an individual who Inspires, Motivates, Promotes, Advocates, and through Community involvement became a Transformational leader.

Family Empowerment Award

Family Empowerment Award is bestowed upon a parent or caregiver who has accessed the services provided by Parent to Parent of Miami and as a result, enriched their life with the knowledge and support necessary to improve their child’s and family’s outcomes.

On behalf of your nominee, thank you for taking the time to submit this nomination. Please download and fill out all of the fields on the Nomination Form detailing the achievements of the nominee and submit the nomination before the deadline as indicated on the form.

Our Honoree Committee will review the nominations and will make the final decision.
Award recipients are honored the night of the benefit event.

Download Nomination Form

Past Honorees

Carole Fox Abbott

Modesto E. Abety
(The Children’s Trust)

Dr. Diane Adreon

Dr. Michael Alessandri

Betty Alonso
(Dade Community Foundation)

Francine M. Andersen
(Miami-Dade County Department of Cultural Affairs)

Roni Bader-Tables

Brucie Ball

Janet Bell Taylor
(Miami Children’s Hospital)

Lauren Bustos

Jill Brookner

Honorable Jeb Bush
(Governor State of Florida)

Bill Fauerback
(Publix Supermarkets)

Lileana de Moya
(de Moya Foundation)

Ana Laura dos Santos Lara
(Parent Advocate)

James Haj
(President/CEO The Children’s Trust)

Cecilia Elizalde

Larry Forman
(Comprehensive Rehabilitation Consultants, Inc.)

Dr. Delia C. Garcia

Krystal Giraldo

Marta Giuliani

Jackie Gonzalez
(Miami Children’s Hospital)

Vivian Gonzalez
(Music Teacher)

Chris & Burt Harris
(Santa Helpers)

Iliana Hernandez

City of Hialeah
(Disability Programs)

Drs. Martin & Silvia Hiriart
(Family Advocates)

John Paul Jebian
(American Sign Language Educator)

Dr. Rosa L. Jones

Paula Lalinde
(Mailman Center)

David Lawrence
(The Children’s Trust)

Judge Cindy S. Lederman
(Juvenile Justice System)

Bambi J. Lockman

Barbara Lopez-Avila

Patricia Mederos
(Community Leader)

Judy Mezey
(Dave & Mary Alper JCC)

Kevin & Stephanie Mintz
(Disability Advocates)

Haley Moss

Jack Patterson
(Parent Advocate)

Trudy Petkovich
(Foster Parent Association)

Laverne O. Pinkney

Silvia Planas-Prats
(Miami is Kind)

Ileana Plata
(Parent Advocate)

Honorable Raquel Regalado
(Miami Dade County Commissioner)

Dr. Angel L. Rodriguez
(Ruth Owens Kruse)

Jose Roza
(Miami Children’s Hospital)

Dr. Judith L. Schaechter
(University of Miami)

Dr. Moises Simpser
(Miami Children’s Hospital)

Dr. Diana M. Valle-Riestra

Kathleen Vergara
(UM Debbie Institute)


Miami Dade-County is home to more than 39,000 students with disabilities and every parent has a Journey of Dreams for each one of them.

Help Us Support Our Families. Click Here to Make A Donation Today.

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